Pathology Resident Wiki

Elizabeth Morgan, MD

Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Pathology

75 Francis St

Boston, MA 02115

Tel: (617) 732-7510

Fax: (617) 278-6934


Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency Program[]


Program name:      Brigham & Women's Hospital

Program Director:  Dr. Elizabeth Morgan

Number of residents (per year / total):            9/~50

Visas sponsored?   Yes

Pros:   Outstanding case variety including rare entities; faculty write most of the widely used textbooks; excellent teaching in lecture and slides seminar formats as well as one-on-one at the scope; great flexibility in PGY-3 and elective weeks in PGY-1 and PGY-2 for exploring career tracks; excellent staffing in the gross room by academically-minded PAs; grossing caps now in place; highly driven and attentive program director; huge support for research with collaborations possible throughout Boston and Cambridge and a large T32; numerous teaching opportunities at HMS; well-respected department within the hospital (overall great interactions with clinicians) and abroad; closely knit community of supportive residents; long period of orientation for new residents including a two-week "bootcamp" orientation to the whole department and pairing with a senior resident for the first two weeks of general surgical grossing; access to outstanding fellowships

Cons: Challenging workload in the first 2 years of AP training (front-loaded to provide flexibility in PGY-3); housing close to the hospital can be expensive but cheaper options are around if you're willing to have a 20-30 minute commute;

Average work hours on surgical path? 70/wk

Are you allowed to do external rotations? Yes

Do you feel you have:

·         Adequate preview time? Yes

·         Adequate reading time? Yes

·         Adequate support staff (PA’s, Secretarial, etc…)? Yes

·         Adequate AP Teaching? Yes

·         Adequate CP Teaching? Yes

·         Graduated responsibilities? Yes

Fellowship Programs offered? Please list.        Surg Path, Cyto, Neuro, Heme, GYN, Thoracic, GU, Molecular, GI, Medical Microbiology

CAP Standardized Fellowship Application Accepted? ?

Additional benefits to trainees (Book Fund, Travel Fund, Other resources):  $2000 educational fund (one time); $2000 for expenses to present at a meeting/yr; all residents have subscription to ExpertPath, PathPrimer, and Immunoquery; electronic access to Harvard's Countway Library of Medicine; high quality Olympus microscopes throughout the department with suitable objective for publication-quality photography; pre-tax gym membership near hospital <$50 per month; subsidized nightly meal for house staff up to $8 value in cafeteria after 9pm (good excuse to stay a little later and read, or go to the gym and come back for free dinner)

Cytopathology Fellowship[]

ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Merging with Massachusetts General Hospital Program

Projected spots per year: 3

Dermatopathology Fellowship (a Harvard-wide Program)[]

ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Hematopathology Fellowship[]

ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship (a Harvard-wide Program)[]

ACGME Accredited Fellowship

See also: Harvard Medical School Molecular Genetics Pathology (HMS/MGP) Fellowship

Neuropathology Fellowship[]

ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Breast Pathology Fellowship[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Gynecologic (GYN) Pathology Fellowship[]

Pulmonary Pathology Fellowship[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Corson Thoracic Pathology Fellowship []

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Renal Pathology Fellowship[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Cardiovascular Pathology Fellowship[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Soft Tissue Pathology Fellowship (apply to Surgical Pathology Fellowship)[]

Non - ACGME Accredited Fellowship

Franz von Lichtenberg Fellowship in Infectious Disease Pathology and Medical Microbiology[]

ACGME Accredited Fellowship in Medical Microbiology combined with a year long experience in infectious disease anatomic pathology and molecular diagnostics.
