A note from the founder of Pathology Resident Wiki:
Dr. Dana Razzano is a pathology resident at New York Medical College with a passion for global health. She did a pathology elective in Uganda in 2017 and now wants to share her experiences so that other pathologists can more easily get involved in global health volunteering. She met with me at ASCP 2017 to discuss the need for an online guide to global health for pathologists. I was so impressed by her passion and drive to get involved (and to help others get involved) that I created this page and asked her to be its editor and moderator. I hope this becomes a resource that pathologists can utilize to reach more patients in more underserved areas around the world. - Jerad Gardner, MD 2/3/2018
PS - Check out our paper about pathology global health:
- Razzano D, Hall A, Gardner JM, Jiang XS. Pathology engagement in global health: Exploring opportunities to get involved. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2019 Apr;143(4):418-421. PDF
Are you a pathologist or trainee interested in doing volunteer work in global health but don't know where to go or how to start? This page is for you.
My favorite quote of Mother Teresa's has turned into my personal mantra - “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” I hope it will also give you inspiration. Finding opportunities to participate in global health while in-training takes a little bit of effort, but it is an extremely worthwhile endeavor. Don’t worry, it's not as difficult as you might think!
I hope you find this guide useful. I will be updating this site constantly with new opportunities and contacts, so please make sure to check back frequently to find new information and resources. - Dana Razzano
Opportunities for Pathologists in Training
ASCP Trainee Global Health Fellowship
This yearly award goes to six trainees interested in global health. This is the most unique opportunity for residents and fellows that I am aware of. Upon receipt of the award, you will travel to one of the ASCP partner sites and participate in research while there. This is truly an amazing opportunity and I encourage everyone to apply for it. This is the easiest way to set up a global health elective since the programs are already established and you don’t need to find someone to supervise you. In addition, ASCP funds the fellowship with a $2,500 award. You can read about my experience in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia here
The link to the Fellowship is here: https://www.ascp.org/content/about-ascp/ascp-foundation/providing-scholarships
Applications are typically due mid-November. Check the website for the next application cycle deadline!
Create a Global Health Elective Rotation for your Program
This is what I did in my second year of residency training. I’ll detail the steps that I took in order for you to follow for your program:
1st Step: Research Resources
Find out what your hospital has to offer. Your hospital/academic network may already have a global health program in place and your Pathology department may or may not already participate.
Some hospitals do not have a global health department, but don't let that stop you from being the first resident to make this happen!
2nd Step: Early Planning
Talk with your Program Director about your idea – and start EARLY! I spoke to my program director about the possibility of doing an international elective during my interview for the program. Then, once I started as a first-year resident, I went and spoke with my PD and Chairman right away to discuss a timeline and the necessary paperwork. My program already allowed one outside elective at an outside hospital and my program director allowed me to use that space to go internationally. I am extremely fortunate that the leadership in my program is wonderfully supportive of residents, and I hope yours will be too. However, if you don't think an elective is possible from a program standpoint, talk to them about using your four weeks of vacation in one block so that you can go during that time.
3rd Step: Finding a Pathologist to Supervise
Find a lab that has a pathologist that is willing to supervise and teach you. After emailing around for months, I was fortunate enough to find the amazing Dr. Omo Aisagbonhi who was working in a lab in Mbrarara, Uganda for one year. She graciously agreed to supervise me for a month of training there in Anatomic Pathology. This was luck to have found her, because she is truly an amazing human being and pathologist. It is my goal to help you find someone like her to learn from. On this webpage, I will be continuously putting together a list of sites and contacts so that the process of finding pathology training opportunities will be easier.
4th Step: Paperwork
Get your schedule together to coordinate with the lab you are visiting and when your program can afford you time to go. Once that is squared away, you can start with all of your paperwork. If you are starting from scratch, you will need to submit a curriculum for your elective. This is simply a description of what you will be doing on a daily basis – FNA procedures, reviewing cytology and anatomic slides, teaching, autopsy, clinical pathology, bloodbank, grossing, etc. You will need to outline educational goals and come up with a measure of evaluation for yourself. This evaluation may be as simple as a questionnaire that the supervising pathologist fills out and/or a presentation given to your department summarizing your learning and work experience. You will likely also need a Program Letter of Agreement that is an agreement signed between your institution and the receiving institution.
5th Step: Follow up on the Paperwork
Submit your paperwork EARLY. It may take your GME office months (and months!) to approve your elective request, especially if you are the first person to venture outside the US for training. It's likely that you may need the receiving institution to sign paperwork agreeing to your rotation as well.
6th Step: Housing, Travel, and other arrangements
Vaccinations: Visit a travel clinic a few months before you plan to travel. *Tip - Pay attention to potential vaccine shortages - for example, the Yellow Fever Vaccine can be difficult to find.
Personal Health Insurance: Your current health insurance may cover international travel but I have found it easier to purchase additional insurance while traveling. This webpage has great recommendations: https://www.reviews.com/travel-insurance/medical/
Travel Visa: Go to your receiving country’s government website and follow their instructions on obtaining a visa. Depending on your passport country and your destination, this could be a cinch or it could take you months. Be sure to look into this process early on. You may also need a letter of invitation from the receiving institution to prove why you are requesting to travel and stay there for a month.
Accommodations: Best way to find a safe place is to ask your host what they recommend. Many university programs will have a guest house where you can pay to stay and be very close to the campus and hospital. These usually have limited space so make your reservation early. You can also find out about these by going to the website of the university/hospital system and they will usually have a visitor’s section. Staying at an university affiliated guest house is a really cool way to meet other people who are doing AMAZING projects in every field imaginable.
You can also stay at a nearby Inn/Hotel that is usually very affordable. A lot of these places can be found on TripAdvisor and you can get recommendations from people working at your destination.
Ground Transportation and Flights:
Flights are the easy part – book as you normally do. Ground transportation is something you should be careful about. If you need to be transported from the airport to your hospital, and someone from the staff is not picking you up, make sure you find a reputable taxi driver to handle your transport. Usually, the university/hospital will have a few names to give you that are used to picking up visitors.
7th Step: Medical License and Malpractice Coverage.
Apply for a medical license in your receiving country – this will allow you to practice and will also cover your malpractice insurance. This information can be found by contacting the lab manager or the hospital visitor information page.
8th Step: Plan the details of your trip
Research the culture, learn to say the common greeting, and “thank you”. Find out what the appropriate work attire is. You’ll need the normal travel stuff like bug spray and a water bottle with a good filter.
Find out about cell phones and either plan on purchasing a local phone with local network (easy to do pretty much anywhere) or call your cell phone company and get a data plan for that country.
Show appreciation to your hosts - You could bring your hosts gifts or chocolate to share with everyone. Bring 'Thank You' cards to fill out before you leave.
9th Step: Procure Funding
My first trip to Uganda cost around $2,800-2,900. This included vaccinations, travel visa, flights, taxi, and accommodation. Extra costs of culturally appropriate clothing, food/water bottle/supplies to bring with you, gifts and souvenirs is variable and will range for each person.
Here are some possible sources of funding:
-Look into what your GME office funds – they may be able to fund some/all of the cost. Some hospitals have healthy global health programs that pay for the entirety of trip.
-If you are in a resident’s union like the Committee of Interns and Residents, they may have a 'Global Volunteer Scholarship' – and if they don’t, ask them to create one.
-ASCP offers resident subspecialty grants for away electives and you can apply for those bi-annually at:
-The International Council for Pathology Information has a yearly travel award that they sponsor (*Currently as of 07/2018 not accepting applications on their website):
-If necessary, pay for it out of pocket – I promise you it will be worth it.
10th Step: ENJOY!!
You are about to embark on one of the most rewarding experiences of your career – and hopefully – the first step in a long career of working in global health.
While you are in your rotation, make sure to journal about your day – what surprises you?; what is different about the way things are done in the lab as compared to your home institution?; What were the challenging and interesting cases, etc. Brainstorm solutions to problems you encounter and write it down. You never know if you could possibly work on this project later with the lab. There will be so much that happens and so many interesting details that you will not remember it all if you don’t write it down.
More Tips:
-Be flexible and laid back – My first day visiting my first lab, the hospital employees went on strike and the lab was closed. Things don’t always go as planned and that’s ok 😊
-Download your favorite pathology textbooks to be available offline for use while you are there. The internet may be shaky or unavailable.
-If you have dietary issues, plan ahead and bring foods that work for you like a month’s supply of nutrition bars and/or packets of oatmeal. Caffeine addicts like myself should be sure to bring ample supplies.
-Get a little bit of currency exchange while you are still in the airport when you land, you may take a few days to find a convenient bank/atm and most places are going to want cash in local currency.
Opportunities for Pathologists out of Training
There are multiple ways to volunteer your time and expertise:
Volunteer on the Ground
ASCP Center for Global Health
The ASCP Center for Global Health is a dynamic team focused on improving laboratory practice by identifying challenges, exploring innovative approaches and forming partnerships to implement sustainable solutions. The goal of the Center for Global Health is to raise the profile of the laboratory workforce around the world.
Apply to Volunteer to visit their many international partner sites by visiting their website: https://www.ascp.org/content/get-involved/center-for-global-health/volunteer
Pathologists Overseas
Pathologists Overseas has been working for over 20 years to strengthen histopathology and clinical laboratories around the world. You can apply to work with them as they:
- Visit the country and assess the circumstances and needs.
- Share recommendations with key stakeholders and outline their potential role
- Partner with the host country/health system to work towards mutually agreed upon goals for strengthening the laboratory system.
Apply to Volunteer by visiting their website: http://www.pathologistsoverseas.com/
Home Institution Inter-Departmental Partnerships
Look into what global health opportunities your institution has already. Maybe the surgery team already sends a group yearly and you can tag along. If you do, take a resident or fellow in training with you!
Volunteer Online
Volunteer through the power of the internet – telepathology volunteer opportunities are growing and you may be able to lend your field of expertise for diagnosis, create a mentoring program, and act as a consultant. You can even use this as a way to involve your residents and fellows by holding an unknown slide session and teach them about difficult cases they may not have been able to see otherwise!
One organization that is actively seeking volunteers for this is X-WOW. https://x-wow.org/
Volunteer with X-WOW Lecture Without Borders:
X-WOW Lecture Without Borders is a series of 1 hour Zoom lectures including Q&A (part-funded by Royal College of Pathologists' Public Engagement Grant). The goal is to assist students of medicine with their learning, particularly in areas they might not get as a routine part of their curriculum in low resource settings. With the ultimate goal to inspire future pathologists, X-WOW invites profressionals from around the world to share their expertise.
Upcoming lectures: https://www.x-wow.com/events
Onsite activities in Nigeria for kids: https://www.x-wow.com/xwowkidsclub
Onsite activities in Nigeria for high school students: https://www.x-wow.com/futurevetpathologists
Volunteer Locally
CAP offers an amazing opportunity to serve your own local community by setting up a See, Test, and Treat program to bring cervical pap smear screening to under-served communities.
More about this program can be found here: http://foundation.cap.org/get-involved/see-test-treat-program/
International Laboratories and Organizations Accepting Volunteers
Some International labs are actively looking for trained pathologists to volunteer their time, for both short and long term commitments. Communication can be directly coordinated with these laboratories. Below is a growing list of laboratories offering to host a visiting pathologist.

Dr. Mesfin Asefa (center), SPHMMC Anatomic Pathology Residency Director, demonstrates peripheral blood smear technique to pathology residents (left and right).
St.Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College - Ethiopia
On behalf of the Anatomic Pathology team here at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC), we would like to invite any pathologist who wishes to volunteer time to visit us here, or act as an expert consultant for our difficult and advanced cases. We specifically would appreciate any pathologist specializing in GYN, GI, and Maxillofacial pathology.
We are one of the largest pathology departments in Ethiopia, and one of the four hospitals that hosts a residency program.
Currently, St. Paul’s Hospital is a 700 bed hospital in addition to the emergency and outpatient services, and we receive nearly 600 surgical specimens to the pathology laboratory monthly. In addition, there is a new Cardiac and Cancer facility being built, which will likely draw many more patients and samples for pathology analysis.

SPHMMC Cardiac and Cancer Center
We run a robust FNA clinic with approximately 40-50 FNAB procedures performed daily. We could benefit from an expert in cytopathology to help to improve our staining procedures, quality, and establishing cell block utilization.
St. Paul’s is easy to travel to, as we are located only 30 minutes from the Addis International airport. We are a warm and friendly culture, full of rich traditions, excellent food, and particularly pleasant weather. There is no fear of Malaria or Zika virus, as our high altitude facilitates a mosquito free environment. - Dr. Bereket Berhane, SPHMMC Anatomic Pathology Chairperson.
For more information, please visit the SPHMMC website at: http://www.sphmmc.gov.et/ and contact the Chair of Anatomic Pathology: Dr. Bereket Berhane at bereket.berhane@sphmmc.edu.et
Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital - Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) – Uganda
The pathology and laboratory medicine department at MUST would like to welcome visiting pathologists and pathologists in training to rotate through their laboratory in anatomic pathology, cytopathology, and autopsy pathology. There are many opportunities for teaching and collaborative research. Please direct any inquiries to Dr. Raymond Atwine at: atwineraymond@stud.must.ac.ug (+256775851408).
Please visit their website for more information: http://med.must.ac.ug/departments/pathology
AIC Kijabe Hospital - Kenya
"AIC Kijabe Hospital is a 280 bed facility whose mandate is to serve the vulnerable and to educate African health practitioners. We have a pathology laboratory that serves 50 Mission hospitals in Africa. Currently we can do anatomic pathology with permanent sections as well as cytology (FNA and Pap smear.) We have a busy surgical service providing numerous specimens for analysis from the head and neck, oral and gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine, nervous, gynecologic, genitourinary, integumentary, bone and musculoskeletal systems. We also have a full laboratory including hematology, biochemistry, microscopy and blood banking. Digital microscopy for electronic consultation is also available.
Our services are dependent on volunteer pathologists, as thus far our attempts to recruit a full time pathologist have not been successful. We have a small army of much-appreciated volunteers, who typically come for one month (though we accept volunteers for any time period) and stay in dedicated private housing that is close to the hospital. Kijabe is a safe and quiet community with a “small town” feel. Due to the altitude, the climate is Mediterranean and we do not have malaria here. The pathology laboratory is well staffed with technicians who do slide preparation and assist with logistics.
We would love to welcome volunteer pathologists to join us at Kijabe. Volunteers typically find the experience very rewarding and many choose to return on a yearly basis. Please direct any inquiries to Dr. Richard Davis, meddir.kh@gmail.com"
Please visit their website for more information: http://kijabehospital.org
Seattle Alliance Outreach - Ethiopia
"We encourage volunteers, such as nurses, medical technologists, physicians, and experts in business, infrastructure, IT, and supply chain to visit Ethiopia with our group in order to assess the needs and implement solutions that work for the hospitals we serve. If you are unable to finance your trip we do not want money to be a barrier to helping. The SAO is able to fund travel for committed volunteers.
We also happily accept donations of new or gently used medical and laboratory equipment. Equipment must be in good condition with several years of use left. Willingness to donate knowledge is also extremely valuable, particularly in the areas of laboratory medicine, IT, supply chain infrastructure, renal biopsy, and fundraising for global health initiatives."
For more information about donating and volunteering, visit their website: https://www.seattleao.org/en/
International Breast Cancer Mission - Dominican Republic
Island Impact Ministries is seeking a Pathologist comfortable making diagnoses on Diff Quick stained FNA biopsy specimens, particularly on breast lesions. A microscope is provided but stains will need to be brought to the site.
Please visit their website for more information: https://www.islandimpact.net/
Funding for Long Term Global Health Projects
The following list of research funding opportunities is for trainees and Pathologists.
STAR Project’s Collaboration Laboratory
The USAID-funded STAR Project (Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) is a five-year project of the Public Health Institute, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Its goal is to strengthen global health professionals, organizations, and the practice of global health through a learning-centered Fellowship and Internship program, capacity-building for host organizations, and lnowledge-sharing collaborations between paired academic institutions), on which Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) is a partner, will open its Request for Applications (RfA) for its Collaboration Laboratory on July 8, 2019. The Collaboration Laboratory is STAR’s strategic approach to facilitating knowledge-sharing experiments and studying what makes a successful partnership. Through the Collaboration Laboratory, four pairs of academic institutions (either 1 U.S. and 1 low and lower-middle-income country (LMIC) institution OR 2 LMIC institutions) will spend one year working toward a concrete goal or objective. Example tasks may include policy or advocacy materials, joint research papers, joint curriculum development, or a small part of an existing larger project.
The Collaboration Laboratory will provide paired academic institutions USD $15,000 to achieve a concrete goal or objective that can be accomplished in 12 months. STAR's Academic Partnerships team will support them in this endeavor and document their successes and challenges.
Access the application at: https://www.ghstar.org/
Check the website for the 2020 application deadline (not listed as of 07/14/2020).
Global Oncology Young Investigator Award
The Global Oncology Young Investigator Award (YIA) provides research funding to early-career investigators to encourage and promote quality research in global oncology and to develop the next generation researchers to address global health needs. Global oncology refers to the application of the concepts of global health to cancer, and implies an approach to the practice of oncology that acknowledges the reality of limited resources in most parts of the world. The Global Oncology Young Investigator Award is intended to support:
1. Research by investigators in low resource settings on scientific questions specific to those settings. This research has potential to offer “reverse innovation” insights that could influence practice in a wide range of practice settings.
2. Research by investigators in high resource settings on issues in resource-limited settings.
3. Collaborative research (high and low resource investigators) on questions of shared concern, such as studying a cancer type that affects a small population in the U.S. but is common in another country.
Applicants are encouraged to be innovative in their research proposal. Proposed research projects could include, but are not limited to:
- Clinical and translational research
- Innovative care delivery
- Prevention and palliative care
- Implementation research
- Health Systems, Outcomes and Economics research related to cancer control and care
Deadline for 2020 is September 24th.
For more information:
NIH Fogarty Global Health Program for Fellows and Scholars
The Global Health Program for Fellows and Scholars supports U.S. university consortia to provide collaborative, mentored global health research training opportunities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Individual students, postdoctoral fellows or faculty from the U.S. or from LMICs apply through the consortia listed on their website for placement at an LMIC institution for 12 months.
For more information, and to access the application: https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/pages/scholars-fellows-global-health.aspx
Susan G. Komen Career Catalyst Research Grants
Early Career breast cancer researchers anywhere in the world are invited to apply for the Career Catalyst Research Grants.
These Komen Training and Career Development awards seek to bridge the funding gap faced by faculty as they start their careers in breast cancer research. Grants funded by Komen provide the preparation necessary to compete for independent funding as an established and successful breast cancer researcher.
CCR Grants provide unique opportunities for scientists who have held faculty positions for no more than five years by the Application due date (closed for 2019). CCR grants provide support for hypothesis-driven research projects that will lead to a reduction in breast cancer deaths by 2026.
For more information, and to access the application: https://ww5.komen.org/ResearchGrants/FundingOpportunities.html
Resources for Pathologists Working in LMICs
If you are a laboratory medicine professional looking for opportunities provided by international organizations, please sign up here to be a part of my email notification list: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/lhFaaUN/GlobalPathology
CAPF Global Pathology Award
In an effort to improve global health and the science and expansion of pathology and pathology services, the Global Pathology Award from the College of American Pathologists Foundation offers funding, up to $10,000.00 USD, to support impactful, sustainable, and accretive global (international) projects that develop, expand, and sustain, the delivery of pathology services through education/training, patient care, laboratory quality, or enhanced technology and laboratory diagnostics.
The award is intended to provide funding to support organizations and individuals who are working with limited budgets and have active programs promoting pathology services in under resourced areas across the globe.
Focus areas may include innovative community health, public education, or service initiatives such as:
- Programs supporting the provision of technical guidance and support for labs regarding selection of lab tests, lab supplies and equipment.
- Helping laboratory sites with development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), budgets, evaluating current capacity and expansion plans.
- Technical expansion – upgrading pathology technologies to meet quality and international standards.
- Systems strengthening – systems to appropriately operate and maintain the laboratory, initiatives such as the
- Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLMTA) program
- Local Capacity Building – continued education of pathologists, residents, and laboratory staff to build local pathology capacity.
- Innovative programs supporting the practice of anatomic and/or clinical pathology including the expansion of services
- Exploratory meetings and forums conducive to networking with professionals on international pathology or laboratory quality issues.
APPLY BY: June 30, 2022.
For more information, and to access the application: https://capfoundation.smapply.io/prog/global_pathology_award_/
CAP22 Virtual Global Pathology Education Award:
In an effort to improve global health by increasing the exchange of information and the science of pathology, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Foundation has developed the Global Pathology Education Award. This award supports online/virtual attendance at the CAP22 Annual Meeting (October 8-11, 2022) for international pathologists practicing in medically under-resourced areas around the globe, by providing outstanding continuing education in all pathology specialties taught by world class experts.
- Complimentary CAP22 Virtual Registration
- Access to more than 50 CME courses for a period of 90 days following the meeting.
- Complimentary IFCAP membership for one year (pending submission and approval of a completed IFCAP application)
Physicians residing in and practicing the specialty of pathology in medically under-resourced countries as identified by the WHO. Those in a pathology residency training program are not eligible to apply for this award. All Applicants will be considered regardless of age, race, gender, national origin, or religion.
Applicants should have authorization from their institution to attend the CAP22 online meeting sessions.
Priority consideration for the Global Pathology Education Awards will be given to practicing pathologists who:
- reside in a medically under-served country as designated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO-HINARI website will be utilized as a guide.
- are not current International Fellows (IFCAP) of the College of American Pathologists (CAP).
- have a demonstrable need for financial support to virtually attend the CAP Annual Meeting.
APPLY BY: June 1, 2022
For more information, and to access the application: https://capfoundation.smapply.io/prog/cap22_global_pathology_education_award/
Educational Resources
For Medical Students interested in Global Pathology
Take the Global Pathology Course for medical students by registering on PathElective.com
Global Pathology Conferences
Addressing Global Health Challenges in sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Pathology
APECSA - Association of Pathologists of East, Central & Southern Africa
Last meeting: September 24-26th, 2018. Madagascar.
For more information, please visit their website: http://apecsa.org/meetings/
Organizations and Websites
ASAP - African Strategies For Advancing Pathology : http://www.pathologyinafrica.org/
APECSA - Association of Pathologists of East, Central & Southern Africa
Global Health Narratives Interview Series - 2019
Dr. Blair E. Holladay: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/02/22/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-blair-holladay/
Dr. Danny A. Milner: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/03/29/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-danny-milner/
Dr. Ann Marie Nelson: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/04/26/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-ann-marie-nelson/
Dr. Drucilla Roberts: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/05/24/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-drucilla-roberts/
Nichole Baker, PA: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/06/28/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-nichole-baker/
Dr. Kumarasen Cooper: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/07/29/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-kumarasen-cooper/
Julie SG. Papango, MLS(ASCPi)CM: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/09/27/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-julie-sg-papango/
Dr. Adebowale Adeniran: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/08/30/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-adebowale-adeniran/
Dr. Constantine E. Kanakis: https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/10/25/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-constantine-e-kanakis/
Dr. Von G. Samedi:https://labmedicineblog.com/2019/11/22/global-health-narratives-interview-series-meet-dr-von-g-samedi/
General Overview
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in Low-income and Middle-Income Countries - http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)30459-8/fulltext
- Global Health and Pathology. Edited by Danny A. Milner Jr., MD, MSc(Epi) - https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/clinics-in-laboratory-medicine/vol/38/issue/1
- Laboratories as the Core for Health Systems Building. Danny A. MilnerJr., MD, MSc (Epi)E. Blair Holladay PhD, MASCP, SCT (ASCP)CM. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027227121730104X
- Improvement of pathology in sub-Saharan Africa. Adesina A, Chumba D, Nelson AM, Orem J, Roberts DJ, Wabinga H, Wilson M, Rebbeck TR. - https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(12)70598-3/fulltext
- The global need and availability of blood products: a modelling study. Roberts N, James S, Delaney M, Fitzmaurice C. -https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhae/article/PIIS2352-3026(19)30200-5/fulltext
- Africa: Cancer Control - http://www.thelancet.com/series/cancer-control-in-africa
-The Cancer Threat to Africa’s Future. Danny A. Milner, Jr., MD, MSc(Epi)- https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/african-cancer-health-care-crisis-by-danny-a-milner-2018-03
- WHO Guide for the Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) in the African Region (with checklist) - https://afro.who.int/publications/who-guide-stepwise-laboratory-improvement-process-towards-accreditation-slipta-african
- International Organization for Standardization - ISO 15189:2012: Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence - https://www.iso.org/standard/56115.html
- Screening for Cervical Cancer in Low-Resource Settings in 2011. Rosemary Tambouret, MD. http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/full/10.5858/arpa.2011-0695-RA?=
- Pathology Against the Odds. Hallgrimur Benediktsson, MD - http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/10.1043/1543-2165-135.2.171?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3dpubmed
- Survey-Defined and Interview-Elicited Challenges That Faced Ethiopian Government Hospital Laboratories as They Applied ISO 15189 Accreditation Standards in Resource-Constrained Settings in 2017. - https://academic.oup.com/ajcp/article/150/4/303/5051317
- Pathology Practice in a Resource-Poor Setting: Mwanza, Tanzania. Peter F. Rambau, MD. http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/10.1043/1543-2165-135.2.191?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3dpubmed
Telepathology, Informatics, and Laboratory Information Systems
- The Future of Telepathology for the Developing World. Charles L. Hitchcock, MD., PhD- http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/10.1043/1543-2165-135.2.211?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3dpubmed&code=coap-site
- A Meta-analysis of Telemedicine Success in Africa. Dan S. Wamala and Kaddu Augustine- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3709418/
- SoftTech a partner in bringing wireless, cloud-based technologies to African labs - http://captodayonline.com/softtech-a-partner-in-bringing-wireless-cloud-based-technologies-to-african-labs-41386/
- Using the Periscope Live Video-Streaming Application for Global Pathology Education: A Brief Introduction. Fuller MY, Mukhopadhyay S, Gardner JM. http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/10.5858/arpa.2016-0268-SA?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3dpubmed
Pathology Work on the Ground
2011-Present Date:
- Building an AP Quality Management System in Uganda: My Month on the Inaugural ASCP Trainee Global Health Fellowship. Jennifer Kasten, MD. - https://academic.oup.com/criticalvalues/article/11/3/14/5037222
- Surgical pathology in sub-Saharan Africa--volunteering in Malawi. Berezowska S1, Tomoka T, Kamiza S, Milner DA Jr, Langer R. - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00428-012-1217-z
- Sustainable Development of Pathology in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Example From Ghana. Helge Stalsberg, MD, PhD; Ernest Kwasi Adjei, MD, FRCP; Osei Owusu-Afriyie, MD; Vidar Isaksen, MD. -http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/full/10.5858/arpa.2016-0498-OA
- Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology in Ethiopia. Melisachew M. Yeshi, MD; Rosemary H. Tambouret, MD; Elena F. Brachtel, MD. - http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/10.5858/arpa.2012-0491-RA
- Pathology resident provides health care to Kenyans. UC Davis Health System Newsletter. https://health.ucdavis.edu/publish/news/newsroom/6055.
- Cytopathology Including Fine-Needle Aspiration in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cameroon Experience. Kelly Guggisberg, MD, FRCPC; Chukwudi Okorie, MD; Moosa Khalil, MBBCh, FRCPC. -http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/full/10.1043/1543-2165-135.2.200
- The 2010 Haiti Earthquake: A Pathology Perspective Aboard the USNS Comfort. Sean M. Hussey, MD; Phillip J. Dukette, AAS; Scott H. Dunn, BS; Toinette J. Evans, MS; Natalie Y. Oakes, BS; Todd D. Gleeson, MD, MPH; Timothy F. Donahue, MD. - http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/abs/10.1043/2010-0182-SA.1
- The Face of Pathology in Afghanistan in 2006–2007. John H. N. Deck, MD, FRCPC. - http://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/pdf/10.1043/2008-0400-SOR.1?code=coap-site
Academic Partnerships and Research
- Enhanced Worldwide Dermatology-Pathology Interaction via Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Platforms. Madke B, Gardner JM - https://insights.ovid.com/pubmed?pmid=28796693
- Pathology-Based Research in Africa. Lemos MP, Taylor TE, McGoldrick SM, Molyneux ME, Menon M, Kussick S, Mkhize NN, Martinson N, Stritmatter, A, Randolph-Habecker, J. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272271217301099?via%3Dihub
- Global Health Pathology Research: Purpose and Funding. John S.Flanigan MD Shannon L.Silkensen PhD, Nicholas G.Wolf BA. -https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272271217301063
Page Contributors
Special thanks to everyone who has contributed ideas, resources, articles, and support to this page!
- Dr. Sara Jiang and Dr. Allison Hall for their generous time in generating valuable content.
- Dr. Lukande for taking the time to share about important organizations and conferences.
- Dr. Islam, Dr. Fallon, and Dr. Adem for their inspiration and immense support.
- Dr. Aisagbonhi and the Pathology lab at MUST for leading the way in improving their global community and helping train me to do the same.
- Dr. Jerad Gardner for making this outreach possible!